Bias for Action

Bias for Action compounds non linearly. This principle is fairly straightforward. Bias for daily small actions compounds. If you are already familiar with the idea of Compounding in finance, it states that small incremental gains over a period of time adds up to fairly large gains. In the same manner, small actions taken daily towards positive self improvement may add up to huge changes in self over time. Let’s quantify it, as told by James Clear, if you improve only 1% everyday over a year, you would be approximately 37 times better by the end of the year. Not 365%, but 3700% better. That’s a 37X return on investment because of just 1% daily increments.

Why 1% Daily increments? Because 1% is doable. Because 1% is practical and realistically possible to achieve. If I ask you to work hard and become 37 times better in productivity or in physical prowess overnight, it seems a tall order but if I demand a 1% improvement in your work ethic every single day, its not that hard to envision. And that’s why it’s so irresistible. Everyone can fathom working 1% harder everyday. And that’s the beauty of this principle.

It’s simple Maths. If you add 1% to a $100, it becomes $101. Now if you again add 1% to $101 on the next day, you don’t get just $1 extra, you get $1.01 which gets you to $102.01. That’s coz you’re getting interest not on just $100 anymore, you’re also getting interest on the $1 already added to the $100. Similarly every consecutive addition of 1% gets bigger in nominal terms than the previous one.

You just need to focus on getting 1% better in reading, meditating, exercising, writing every single day. BUT here’s the most important part, you have to do it consistently day after day for a year, that’s how gains add up on top of each other. If you do the required tasks one day and slack off the next, it doesn’t work coz then you start from scratch all over again. All the magic is in the consistency of taking daily actions. Compounding works only if you let it work every single day. Ofcourse take the weekends off but never take your eyes off the goal on a work day. The idea is to put in the work even when you don’t feel like it, specially if you’re not feeling it, that’s why consistency is so important.
