
By Yuval Noah Harari

“Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” is a book written by Yuval Noah Harari that provides a sweeping overview of the history of the human species, from our earliest origins to the present day. The book is organized into four parts, each of which covers a different era of human history.

The first part of the book explores the emergence of Homo sapiens and the cognitive and social revolutions that allowed our species to dominate the planet. Harari argues that the key to our success as a species was our ability to cooperate in large groups through the use of shared myths and stories, such as religion, nationalism, and money.

The second part of the book covers the agricultural revolution and the rise of civilizations. Harari explains how the development of agriculture allowed for the rise of settled societies, which in turn led to the development of complex political, economic, and social systems.

The third part of the book focuses on the scientific revolution and the impact of European colonialism on the rest of the world. Harari argues that the scientific revolution, which began in Europe in the 16th century, gave rise to the modern world and the domination of Western culture. He also explores the impact of colonialism on non-European societies, particularly in the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

The final part of the book covers the current era, which Harari refers to as the “post-truth” era. He examines the impact of globalization, technology, and artificial intelligence on human societies, and considers the challenges and opportunities that these developments present for the future of our species.

Overall, “Sapiens” is a thought-provoking and informative book that provides a broad overview of the history of the human species. Harari’s thesis challenges traditional views of history and offers a more holistic perspective on the forces that have shaped human societies over time. The book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the history of our species and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for humanity.

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