
By Angela Duckworth

In this must-read book, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth takes us through an eye-opening journey to discover the most important qualities that lead to outstanding achievement in life. The book explores the concept of grit, which she defines as the combination of passion and perseverance for long-term goals and how that – not talent or intelligence – is a better predictor of success.

The author in her research finds that IQ as a gold standard for the prediction of excellence in life falls short when one takes into consideration passion and persistence. In other words, the lesser talented children working harder than their peers perform better in life than just ‘talented’ children. Those who are not ready to give up in the face of formidable challenges, have the key to success in their cognition. It is the willingness to learn from adversity and keeping a growth mindset that defines your success more than anything else. 

She also provides practical advice for developing grit, such as setting specific and challenging goals, seeking out opportunities for growth, and developing a “growth mindset.”

The book also explores the concept of grit in different fields, such as education, business, and sports, and provides real-life examples of individuals who have achieved success through grit. The book concludes by discussing the implications of grit for society and how grit can be cultivated in individuals and organizations.

Overall, Grit is a thought-provoking and insightful book that explores the importance of grit in achieving success. It offers a new perspective on what it takes to achieve success and provides practical advice for developing grit in oneself.






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