
Book Notes

Book Summaries

There are soo many things to do and learn growing up, reading a ton of books amongst them. And I have always loved reading books since i was a child. Books were an escape to different worlds of authors imaginations. I was super charged to absorb everything I could from every book and live vicariously through each of them. Somewhere down the line I started the down the path of self improvement and since then i have always looked for books with the most impactful ideas and insights which could help evolve my thinking and my decision making skills. But there are soo many to choose from in this information overload age. We cannot really read all of them but its important we find we find the time for the most important ones. That’s what this section is about, I go through the most important books that have influenced me the most and that I feel everyone should read atleast once.

Mans search for meaning Book

Man’s Search For Meaning

By Victor E. Frankl

A tribute to hope from a Holocaust Survivor.




By Angela Duckworth

Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success.


Noise by Daniel Kahneman


By Daniel Kahneman

The authors show how noise produces errors in many fields.


The alchemist by paulo Coelho

The Alchemist

By Paulo Coelho

This powerful story is about finding the treasure we all have hidden within ourselves. A masterpiece.


The ride of a lifetime

The Ride Of A Lifetime

By Robert Iger

Lessons in Creative Leadership from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company.


The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

The Fountainhead

By Ayn Rand

A journey against tradition and the fight against the established system.


The world is flat book cover

By Thomas L. Friedman

An overview of globalisation and its many consequences.

Selfish Gene Book Cover

The Selfish Gene

By Richard Dawkins

An in depth study of genes and their effect on human actions.

The ride of a lifetime


By Yuval Noah Harari

One of the most fascinating books to have been ever written on Human History.


The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Guns, Germs and Steel

By Jared Diamond

An in depth understanding of how the world came to be as it is today.


The world is flat book cover

Atomic Habits

By James Clear

An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones.

Selfish Gene Book Cover

The 4 Hour Workweek

By Timothy Ferriss

Figure out strategies to escape the 9-5 grind and join the new rich.





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