Make Better Decisions!

Book Summaries

Mental Models

Blog / Articles

Why explore this blog?

Better Decisions

Equipped with extraordinary tools, we can make better decisions in all aspects of life.

Productivity Tools

Some of these tools help boost our productivity by a factor of 10 by following simple rules. 

Save Time 

Not everyone can read all the important books one should and these summaries help save time. 


Understanding and implementing these principles helps us grow in every aspect of our lives.

Why Decision Making?

When I was in school, I read somewhere that the quality of your decisions determines the quality of your life. That life is about figuring out how to make the best of any circumstance or situation you’re put in, choosing the best option from a myriad of opportunities in front you, making a concrete decision. Since then I’ve been super curious about finding the best ways to improve my decision making skills in life and business. This blog is an attempt at organising all my research and findings in a structured fashion for myself as well as anyone else who’s intrigued enough to follow down this path. 

My Approach

Book Summaries

I try and write book notes or summaries of the most powerful books that have influenced my thinking and has broad applications across life.

Life Hacks / Mental Models

I am building a repertoire of the most useful life hacks and mental models which have the most overarching applications across disciplines in life.

Articles / Blog posts

I write short articles or blog posts containing insights on how to improve your thinking, decision making, increasing your productivity, learning, growth and self improvement.

From the Archives

Hard Work always outperforms Talent

Most of the times when I failed to achieve something I was pursuing, I used to write it off as something not meant for me, something I would never...




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